Support a Loved One

7 Heartfelt Ways to Support a Loved One Through Grief

Grief is such a deep and dimensional emotion all alone. No two people will experience the same stone of emotion about losing their loved one. Sometimes, it seems complicated to be there for your loved one while they cope with their loss. Truthfully, your mere existence in their life and your actions make all the difference. Here are seven heartfelt ways to support a loved one when coping with grief, guiding them during hard times with compassion and understanding.

1. Be Present and Listen

Support their loved one in their healing process is through presence

One of the most potent ways to support someone in their healing process is through presence and listening. Grief can make people feel isolated, so your willingness to sit with them, listen to stories, and share in their pain brings excellent validation. Steer clear of unsolicited advice or attempts to fix feelings. Instead, it gives a listening ear to the bereaved person and that shoulder to cry on. Tell them it is okay to feel how they feel right now and you are always there for them, no matter what.

2. Offer Practical Help

Grieving is exhausting. Each day is overwhelming on its own. Practical help may be like offering a life jacket to a loved one. Small gestures like making food for them, taking them out for errands, or doing little domestic chores will significantly lessen the burden on your loved one. Be specific in your offers: “I’m going to the grocery store; can I get anything for you?” or “Would it help if I did the laundry this week?” In addition, practical help with concrete needs satisfies immediate needs and shows your loved one that they are not alone in their loss.

3. Encourage Professional Help

Although your support is precious, sometimes professional help is needed to cope with the crisis. Encouraging your loved one to seek counseling or therapy when feeling overwhelmed with life is always beneficial for their well-being. Grief specialists can offer valuable tools and strategies to help them navigate and process those emotions. Handling the situation is essential, as they may need time to feel prepared. Seeking professional help demonstrates strength, not weakness, and represents a proactive approach to healing.

4. Introduce Hospice Spiritual Counselor Services

Hospice care can offer specialized support to those coping with a terminally ill loved one. Hospice spiritual counselors are prepared to provide emotional and spiritual support based on specific beliefs and values. Such a counselor can help the bereaved individual understand fundamental questions about mortality, find meaning in loss, and relate it to their spirituality. Introducing hospice spiritual counselor services may offer serenity and comfort in an unfortunate moment.

5. Connect Them with Bereavement Support Groups

Bereavement support groups

Grief can be a very lonely experience, though knowing others have survived similar pain gives consolation. Bereavement support groups offer people an opportunity to tell their stories and express their feelings in an understanding and safe environment. Such groups bring out a sense of belonging, helping alleviate the second factor, loneliness. Help the loved one find a local support group or go to the online community to reach out to others facing similar feelings about their loss.

6. Respect Their Grieving Process

Everyone has the right to grieve, and there is no wrong or right way. Others may want to talk about their loss constantly, while other people may prefer keeping their feelings and thoughts private. Respect their process of grieving. Don’t impose your expectations and timelines. Be understanding in nature and patiently bear up while realizing everybody’s journey with grief might be completely different from yours. Show your support without judgment; let them take the lead on how they want to receive support during this unfortunate loss.

7. Encourage Self-Care

Grief is physically and emotionally exhausting. Urge your loved one to watch their eating habits, get enough sleep, and engage in some minor exercise. It includes details that may mean comforts, such as reading, gardening, or relaxing with pets. Help them feel that it’s not selfish to give themselves some time alone and that self-care is part of the healing process. Sometimes, tiny acts of self-compassion alone can go a long way toward improving their general well-being.


Showing support to someone bereaved requires empathy, patience, and being there for them in any way that would make a difference. Abundant Hospice understands the devastation of loss. That is why we are committed to all aspects of hospice care, including activities that deal with grief and bereavement. Our caring staff is available to provide practical assistance and spiritual counseling with support groups to help your loved one navigate their grief journey. Whether through home hospice services or professional bereavement care, Abundant Hospice strives to be a comfort and a solace in one of life’s most challenging moments.